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Comment response on a passage from the Odyssey by Homer
Comment in detail on the following passage. The beginning and end of the passage is given, using the pagination of the recommended editions. Corresponding page references are given for the alternative edition that you might be using; but if you are using a different translation, please include a scanned copy of the page you will comment on.
In the answer you should try to say something about the internal structure of the passage, breaking it down into parts and showing how it moves from beginning to end. You should also consider any intrinsic literary properties of the passage itself that seem noteworthy -- its style or vocabulary, for example, its use of irony, metaphor or allusion, and the emotional and other effects it produces on you.
You should also say something about its external connections: you might, for example, consider elements in it that point to other parts of the work itself, or the work as a whole. Think about its importance for the development of the story, for what it reveals about particular characters, or for the ways in which it extends, elaborates, or complicates particular themes.
Finally, you should say something about its larger significance -- what there is about the passage that you find moving, or striking, that resonates with you in some way or seems to touch on something true or profound about life.
In the course of your commentary, you should aim to bring these elements together into a single, coherent and persuasive reading or interpretation of the passage.
Approximately 500 word limit.
This means that since the passages are fairly long, you will need to be a bit selective in what you decide to consider in detail. It is better to make a few main points clearly, with plenty of support from the text, and in a logically connected sequence, than to have a long string of small and unrelated comments on everything in the passage.
The passages are as follows. Please choose one and discuss.
Book 16, lines 201-239: 'Subtle Odysseus answered him" "Telemachus, you need not be much bewildered ........ Or if we must seek the help of others."' (pp.195-196, Oxford World's Classics edition). [Penguin, pp.246-247]
Book 11, lines 477-504: 'So he spoke, and I answered him: "Achiles, sone of Peleus ......... who trust him out from his place of honour."' (pp.138-139, Oxford World's Classic edition). [Penguin, pp.173-174]
Book 22, lines 390-419: 'Then Odysseus said to Telemacus: "Now call Eurycleia ....... which of them are disloyal to me and which are innocent. "' (p.274, Oxford World's Classics edition). [Penguin, pp.340-341]
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The Odyssey
Choice 2: Book 11, lines 477-504.
In terms of internal structure, it is easy to see that the passage is a dialog between Odysseus and Achilles since it moves from person to person as each not only describes his current situation but also gives each other some news. Odysseus informs Achilles about the heroics of his son while Achilles bemoans the fact that being dead is worse than being a slave to another person. The lamentation of Achilles of not being able to help his father is a haunting image which also shows how the society of the time valued sons helping their fathers when they came to old age. This is certainly something Telemachus would do later on in the story when he would help Odysseus not only defeat the suitors but also show himself to be a good son.
The irony in the passage comes across quite clearly when we realize that Achilles was indeed the mightiest of warriors and essentially had god like qualities of strength and bravery. However, in death he is little more than a weak spirit who is helpless to assist his father or even to know how his son is doing. The finality of death and of losing your abilities which you had once is an allusion to how mortality is perhaps is the ultimate answer to hubris as all living humans, regardless of their strength, abilities or heroics, must die.
The external connections of this passage are varied and many since they not only describe the parentage of Achilles, they also discuss his progeny. Achilles is noted by Odysseus to have been quite a hero who was revered as much as the gods themselves. The passage also reminds us that Odysseus has not yet reached home which is the seemingly never-ending quest he is engaged in. Rugged Ithaca eludes him as much as the news about the son of Achilles eludes Achilles. Thus the passage certainly refers to earlier parts of the same tale while pushing the idea that Achilles is an important character in some other story. That story of course is the Iliad which is a part of the greater tale of the Battle of Troy itself. It also shows the great respect that Odysseus had for Achilles since even after his death Odysseus considers Achilles to be a prince amongst the dead.
The most moving element of the entire passage is that even though Achilles is dead, he does not want to be so since he has lost all that he had and the realm of the dead has nothing to offer him. Moreover, his lack of information about his lordly son and even his dear father certainly troubles him since he does not know if his father has managed to keep a hold of the empire he had or if he has lost it due to old age and a weakening of the body. Most importantly, Achilles realizes that while he was a champion without compare before he died, in death he has lost everything he held dear. His greatest desire is only to come to his father’s aid if it is so needed yet there is no way he can come up to the world of the living.
Word Count: 535
Works Cited
Homer, The Odyssey, Samuel Butler Translation. Sections 45-47, [Online]
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English Literature -> Classics
Comment response on a passage from the Odyssey by Homer
College / University
Comment response, the Odyssey, Homer
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Comment response on a passage from the Odyssey by Homer
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Comment response, the Odyssey, Homer
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