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Research and Personal Response Paper on Stress
This is a personal response paper which requires additional resources to support the information being given by the student. The first three paragraphs of the paper are as follows:
In scientific usage, stress is a medical term used in biological and psychological fields to denote the response shown by a specimen when it is faced with a threat. Bickerstaff (2001, Pg. 1) writes that, “Stress occurs when demands, or stressors, are made on us and our bodies respond with a series of changes”. The series of changes could range from an emotional outburst in response to emotional stressors or even a physical change such as tensing up of the muscles, an increased heart rate and the release of a set of chemicals within the body. The stressor or the stimulus takes a person from being at a state of rest to being ready to face danger.
However, once that sense of being in danger passes away, the stress levels would decrease and the person would return to being at a normal rest state. At the same time, if an individual was placed under constant stress such as dealing with a crying baby, hearing loud noises coming from a television set, being bothered about his/her financial state or even fears such as catching a deadly disease, being a victim of terrorism etc. then the constant stressors could wear a person out. There are certain people who welcome stress and thrive with it but there are also others who cannot take much stress without a negative reaction to it (Bickerstaff, 2001).
Viner (1999, Pg. 391) credits Hans Selye with explaining the idea and notes that, “The originator of the concept of Stress, Hans Selye (1907-82), gave humankind a new scientific language with which to explain failure and disease, promising that such understanding would allow victory over the hardships of life”. Undoubtedly, people had a concept for stress before Selye gave his vocabulary for stress yet his work is quite important since it has stood the test of time and is still noted as the General Adaptation Syndrome. Understanding this can lead to a better appreciation of what an individual is going through and may even lead to solutions for a stress filled life.
About the Solutions
The paper contains direct quotes as well as a detailed analysis of the personal situation of a fictitious student to show how stress is managed by individuals and what they can do to reduce it. The sources used for the project are:
Bickerstaff, L. (2007). Stress. Rosen Publishing Group.
Fontana, D. (1991). Managing Stress, Wiley.
Fowers, B. (1994). Perceived Control, Illness Status Stress, and Adjustment to Cardiac Illness. Journal of Psychology, 128(3), 571-592.
Viner, R. (1999). Putting Stress in Life: Hans Selye and the Making of Stress Theory. Social Studies of Science, 29(3), 391-410.
Other Details about the Project/Assignment
Stress, Psychology, Managing Stress
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